Cold steel recon 1 spear point
Cold steel recon 1 spear point

Each of these, the full size, the Mini, and the Micro all come in three blade shapes: the Tanto (a blade shape that made Cold Steel famous), the Clip Point, and the drop or Spear Point. Finally there is the Micro-a series of Recons with 2 inch blades. Then there is the Mini, which is only appropriately called a Mini at 3 inches in Cold Steel's line up of 6 and 7 inch blades.

cold steel recon 1 spear point

There are tons of options in the Recon line-the full size Recon 1, a massive 4 inch knife. Among these choices, the Mini Recon is both the cheapest and the only one equipped with the seemingly unbreakable Tri-Ad lock. Another would be the ZT350 (and yes there is a shoot out coming), but it is more expensive. That knife would be the Cold Steel Mini Recon I Spearpoint. One option, however, is exceptionally interesting both because it falls into this category and because it sells for around $65. For those people, the options in the tiny sliver of the Venn diagram where "hard use" and "true EDC" overlap can be counted on one hand.

cold steel recon 1 spear point

Plus, some people ( crazy people, in my opinion) don't like the Spyderhole opener. The Spyderco Paramilitary 2 is definitely one of those blades, but it is more than $100. Few blades, very few, are both truly comfortable everyday carry and hard use. In the world of hard use EDC knifes you'll find that most knives tend to favor one or the other of those two things.

Cold steel recon 1 spear point